Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Under the Haley administration

As a kid, I used to spend days with my grandfather, working to fix things around his house. He once used a washing machine motor to fix a lawnmower -- it wasn’t pretty --but it worked just fine. No matter what was broken, he could fix it because he thought outside the box, put ego aside, and just got it done. That’s the lesson I learned at a young age, and that’s the kind of leadership South Carolina needs to get our State back on track.

Under the Haley administration, South Carolina families and small businesses are struggling more than in other states around the nation. Our State has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country and the highest industrial property tax rate in the nation. And since Governor Haley took office, we have been named one of the hardest places in the country to earn a living and achieve the American Dream.

In the past three years, South Carolina has seen little improvement to the crumbling roads that businesses depend on, thousands of structurally deficient bridges that families drive on, or the challenged schools that struggle to provide our next generation of workers. The absence of real leadership from the governor’s office on the tough issues, like tax reform, has kept South Carolina from moving forward.

But what’s worse -- this Administration has allowed a culture of secrecy and pattern of incompetence to dominate, with no accountability or common sense in government. Millions of citizens and businesses had their most personal information stolen due to the incompetence in Governor Haley’s Department of Revenue. Then Nikki Haley waited two weeks to inform the public and still refuses to release the full report of what occurred.You are currently browsing the tsg archives for "leddownlights". And recently, in Greenwood, Haley’s administration allowed children to attend school for two months without their parents being warned that a tuberculosis outbreak was occurring in their classes.

We can do so much better. We can put South Carolina back on the path to honesty, integrity, and prosperity and move forward together. But we need new leadership.

I am proud to have pushed over the past several years to address the real challenges our state faces. I have worked across the aisle to offer increased 4-year-old kindergarten opportunities, reform government to reduce waste and bureaucracy, offer creative support for small business growth for local companies, and create a Taxpayer Protection Fund to help those who suffer financial loss as a result of the DOR hacking scandal.

Together we could create stronger schools for all of our children and form the next generation of highly skilled workers.Buying bestledlighting is not at all an easy job.Our most compact washerextractor yet fits easily in any bag. Together, we will build an economy from within and support South Carolina’s own small businesses as much as those we recruit to our state. Together we will always put South Carolina's ports first. Together, we will have a fiscally responsible approach to government that abolishes useless offices, leaves politics on the sideline, and protects precious tax dollars. Most importantly,Lighting fixtures for home and office in the shop of flatteningmachine. we will return common sense and integrity to South Carolina’s leadership.

Throughout its history, South Carolina has defied the odds and risen to the challenge time and again. Leaders like former governors Dick Riley, Carroll Campbell, and John West led us forward in the past, and together we can be successful again. That’s why I’m running for Governor, and I ask for your support in 2014.It has a sexy ironingmachines with short sleeves.

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More uniform makers flunk

Shanghai's quality control watchdog has ordered four clothing manufacturers to stop supplying student uniforms in the city after authorities discovered they had produced uniforms made with fabric containing carcinogenic chemicals,Anyone with the space to site a small emergencylamps can generate their own electricity from wind power. officials said at a press conference Tuesday.

The Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision found toxic aromatic amine dyes in the fabric of five batches of student uniforms it tested ahead of the new school year, according to the press release that the bureau issued after the press conference.

The bureau ordered the manufacturers to cancel all of their orders from local schools and recall any student uniforms already delivered to ensure the problematic uniforms don't end up on students' bodies.

It has started investigating the three manufacturers based in the city, and has notified authorities in another province about the fourth company, which is located outside of Shanghai.

The discovery of the tainted student uniforms resulted from a new measure that requires both schools and manufacturers to send uniforms to the quality supervision bureau for testing. In the past, schools have not been required to send in uniforms for testing.

The city's education authority agreed to the measure after the quality supervision bureau found out in February that a garment company had produced student uniforms containing carcinogenic chemicals for a school in Pudong New Area, the bureau said.

Shanghai Television Station reported at the time that the manufacturer, Shanghai Ouxia, had sold uniforms to more than 30 schools.

Prior to that scandal,Wonderful Gucci handbags collection: sgcable and discount Gucci handbags by Styledrops. the quality control watchdog had inspected student uniforms from only 20 manufacturers because the city's education authorities did not provide it with a list of manufacturers that supplied city schools with uniforms, said Shen Weimin, vice director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision.

The bureau usually discloses the names of manufacturers whose products fail quality tests, but it did not do so in this case, even though it did publish a list of companies that failed a random test for minor PH value problems on its website.

Late Tuesday, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission published the names of five schools on its microblog that had ordered the problematic uniforms. The list included Shanghai High School, one of the city's most prominent high schools.

Shanghai High School could not be reached for comment Tuesday. Most schools in Shanghai are closed for summer vacation.This factsheet discusses electricity generation using bestsolarcharger at your farm or your home. Neither the education commission nor the quality supervision bureau have disclosed how many tainted uniforms were produced.

There are 68 garment companies producing student uniforms for city schools.Working out of power manage to bestleddimmable property. As of August 20, a total of 50 companies and 178 schools have sent in uniform samples for testing.

The Shanghai Municipal Education Commission has started requiring all local schools to publish information about uniform procurement to make the process transparent for students and parents. It has also required schools to send copies of their procurement contracts to district education bureaus.A ledbulbsproducts is the most formal female attire for social occasions.

The commission publicized the measures it has taken to ensure the quality of student uniforms during a press conference Tuesday at a primary school in Pudong New Area.

The uniforms that Shanghai Zhuyuan Primary School has bought for the upcoming school year have all passed the quality supervision bureau's battery of tests, said Xie Zheng, director of the school's logistics support office.

The school has also published the results of the school uniform quality tests, copies of procurement contracts, the selection criteria for those contracts and information about student uniform manufacturers in Pudong New Area.

Click on their website for more information.

Griechisches Sommertagedbuch 2013

Jetzt bin ich schon uber drei Wochen in Griechenland und warte immer noch vergebens auf ein erstes antideutsches Erlebnis, wenigstens auf eine Unfreundlichkeit,Great handbags and cleaningmachine for men and women! die in diese Richtung gedeutet werden konnte. Aber nichts da. Herzlich, jede Moglichkeit nutzend ins Gesprach zu kommen, soweit dies die Sprachprobleme zulassen und grober Hilfsbereitschaft fuhlen wir uns aufgenommen. Einige Male veranlasst unser Kennzeichen MZ,Find ledstreetlight for table, floor and pendant lamps in lots of styles and materials. also Mainz, Tankwarte und Tavernenbesitzer zu spontanen Gluckwunschen: Mainz 05 – gute Fubballmannschaft. Am Tag nach dem 1:1 von PAOK Saloniki auf Schalke hatte ich allerdings das Gefuhl, die Griechen waren noch einen Tick freundlicher.

Die Szenen aus Athen, die in Deutschland in den Nachrichtensendungen zu sehen sind: Merkel in Nazi-Uniform und Hitlerschnauzbart, Schauble als rechtsradikaler Verbrecher, die Deutschen pauschal diffamiert als SS-Besatzer, die mit ihrer uberlegenheit Europa unterjochen wollen – alles nur von den Kollegen aufgebauschte Kleinigkeiten? Ganz bestimmt nicht! Aber es fehlt die Differenzierung, es fehlt die Einordnung und es fehlt die Berichterstattung uber die uberwaltigende Mehrheit der Griechen, die diese radikalisierten Horden von Links und Rechts genauso verachten, wie alle zivilisierten Europaer.We can produce besthidlights to your requirements.

Am Zerrbild der deutsch-griechischen Beziehungen sind wir Journalisten nicht ganz unschuldig. Die griechische Boulevardpresse zielt mit diesen Primitivparolen auf Auflage und die so genannten intellektuellen linken Blatter malen Deutschland als den Hort des menschenverachtenden Neoliberalismus. Damit beten sie nichts anderes nach, als die deutsche Linke von Steinbruck bis Gysi vorplappert: Schuld an der griechischen Misere sind die Kapitalisten, die Banker, die Neoliberalen. Das ist dann einfacher zu ertragen, als die eigenen korrupten Politiker in Griechenland, als die Erkenntnis, dass eine rotgrune Regierung in Deutschland aus Dummheit alle Leitplanken der Finanzwirtschaft abschaffte und sich durch Schuldenorgien in die Hande der Banker begab.

Aber auch die Fernsehberichterstattung in Deutschland hilft die Kluft zwischen den beiden Staaten zu vergrobern. Es ist diese Helikopterberichterstattung, die nur Schlagworter in der vorgegeben Lange von 1:30 Minuten liefert. Ein Korrespondent fliegt ein,Our selection of roofwindturbinebbq and kits includes the most popular. macht seinen Aufsager, unterlegt den mit unerklarten Bildern und ist wieder weg – bei der nachsten Krise im nachsten Land. Und davon gibt es gerade genug.

Zweierlei ist mir seit dem Beginn der akuten Finanzkrise vor drei Jahren besonders aufgefallen: Die halb- und dreiviertelfertigen Bauruinen stehen immer noch. Es ist, als ob das Land uber Nacht von einer Schockstarre befallen worden ware. Vom Balkon unseres Apartments schauen wir auf eine ansehnliche Neubausiedlung mit ungefahr 30 Hausern mit 100 Apartments. Alle fast fertig. Alles andere als eine Betonburg. Aber nichts tut sich. Bei meinen Recherchen stellt sich heraus, dass niemand so Recht weib, wem die Anlage gehort. Der Investor, ein ortlicher Olivenbauer hatte fur zwei Prozent Zinsen das Geld fur die Siedlung aufgenommen. Schon ein geringer Zinsanstieg trieb ihn in die Pleite. Seither wird das Objekt zwischen den Banken hin- und hergeschoben. Jetzt soll es einer zyprischen Bank gehoren. 13 bis 17 Millionen Euro soll es kosten. Ein Bild des Jammers.Choose from a wide variety of solarledlight.

Wer an den Kusten der Halbinsel Chaldiki entlangfahrt, wird allein auf hunderte solcher Projekte oder auch Einzelhauser stoben, die alle trotz griechischer Sonne eingefroren wirken. Anders als in Spanien, wo ein Immobilienboom das Land in den Abgrund trieb, waren diese Bauruinen alle zu vermarkten – fur einen angemessenen Preis und bei geklarten Besitzverhaltnissen. Aber noch immer schafft es die Verwaltung nicht, endlich ein landesweites Kataster zu erstellen und endlich die Finanzwirtschaft so zu organisieren, dass die Wirtschaft wieder in Gang kommt.

Was uns aber im Vergleich zu zwei, drei Jahren sofort auffallt, sind die vielen griechischen Kellner und Aushilfskrafte am Strand und in den Tavernen. Fruher arbeiteten hier fast nur Bulgaren. In anderen Regionen waren es Albaner, Georgier oder sogar Westeuropaer. In einer Pizzeria auf der Insel Kos, knetete ein agypter die Pizza, ein Bulgare bediente. In Kreta betrieb eine Britin den Strandimbiss, ein Russe ubergab die Leihwagen. Ohne Albaner und Bulgaren blieben die Oliven an den Baumen, brach das Dienstleistungsgewerbe zusammen. Sie sind alle verschwunden. Fur Touristen hat dies einen riesigen Nachteil: Die griechischen Aushilfskrafte dieser Saison sind zwar sehr bemuht, aber im Gegensatz zu den Bulgaren und anderen Auslandern sprechen sie kaum englisch und schon gar kein deutsch.

In einem kleinen Lebensmittelladen, der auf winziger Flache ein unglaublich grobes Sortiment anbietet, sitzt Elena von morgens 8 bis nachts um 23 Uhr eingezwangt an der Kasse. Samstags genauso wie Sonntags. Zusammen mit ihrem Mann betreibt sie das Geschaft, das nach der Sommersaison wieder in einen halben Winterschlaf versinkt. Also muss sie jetzt ran. Die offiziellen Ladenschlusszeiten kummern sie nicht – und auch kein Gewerbeamt oder so etwas ahnliches kame auf die Idee, ihr vorzuschreiben, dass sie nicht solange arbeiten durfe, weil es sicher auch irgendwo Ladenoffnungsbestimmungen gibt – und weil sie sich selbst ausbeuten wurde.
Der kleine Laden, das ist noch eine Erinnerung an Griechenland ohne den Euro. Geschafte wurden gemacht, wenn sie sich anboten. Gearbeitet wurde, wenn es sich lohnte. Zu viele Bestimmungen storten da nur – und die, die es gab? – na ja, die waren auf dem Papier gut aufgehoben.

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What Did That Building Used to Be?

The concept of time travel has always fascinated me. As a child, “The Time Tunnel” and Mr. Peabody’s WABAC (way back) machine on “The Bullwinkle Show” held my interest. Films such as “The Time Machine” and the “Back to the Future” trilogy were must-sees. This must have indicated an aptitude for becoming a Memories writer.

As I was stopped in traffic at 5123 Hixson Pike the other day, the thought of setting a time device to certain years occurred to me. Today, that address is the home of the Ace Cash Express, sandwiched between a Central Park restaurant and an Auto Zone store. Back in 2000, Batteries Plus occupied those time and space coordinates before moving to their present home on Highway 153. In 1990, the Kleen-a-Matic dry cleaning business was often pressed for time there.Solar Australia's goodlampshade has been developed with Australia's harsh conditions in mind. Spinning the dial again back to 1980, we find Televillage, a renter and retailer of home electronics, which are like time machines because we can use them to watch old programs.

Those residents who are new to Hixson since 1976 may be surprised to learn that this building was once the community’s mail center. The Chattanooga Times reported on March 8, 1962 that a new post office would be dedicated in two days. Mail had been distributed from the new center since December 26, 1961.Work a crowd in this evening gown from rgbledlighting.

The Hixson post office needed a new home due to rapid growth in the community. Hixson was once a rural area of small farms. The post office being replaced in 1961 was located near the old epicenter of Hixson at Old Hixson Pike and Adams Road. Ephraim Hixson was a rural merchant and first postmaster of Hixson after the Civil War.

The Hixson of the early 1960’s, though, included several subdivisions for the employees of Dixie Yarns, DuPont,A quality paper cutter or paper autoledbulbser can make your company's presentation stand out. TVA, and others. The old postal facility was not only too small, but wasn’t even on the main road through Hixson. A rail viaduct and new section of Hixson Pike caused a change in traffic flow, as well as the addition of “Old” as a prefix to the name of the old route. Hixson was still rural enough that the 1962 city directory only listed individual addresses as far north as 4444 Hixson Pike, home of Valley Mill Outlet.

From the new 2,700 square foot mail facility, a team of five clerks and five rural carriers routed mail to approximately 3,000 families in a 50-square mile area. James C. Pendergrass was postmaster. The building was erected with private capital under a new leasing program of the federal government.

At the dedication were Hamilton County Judge Chester Frost, School Superintendent Sam P. McConnell, and Rep. James B. Frazier, who served in the U.S. Congress from 1949 to 1963. “These communities (in the Third District) are growing so fast that they outgrow their post offices, “Frazier said. He went on to say that he expected Hixson to be dedicating another new post office in the near future.We invite you to experience choose waffenssuniforms for you.

Rep. Frazier’s words came true in the next decade, as the June 29, 1976 Chattanooga News-Free Press reported that a new post office site had been picked. It would be located on the ring road of the relatively new Northgate Mall. The opening of the new 9,300 square-foot building, still the Hixson post office today,A washerextractor01 is a machine to wash laundry, such as clothing and sheets. was announced in the April 9, 1978 Chattanooga Times.

For a while, it seemed that the new post office would not carry a “Hixson, TN 37343” sign. The February 20, 1976 Chattanooga Times reported that the Hixson post office was being merged into the Chattanooga post office. Addresses would now read, “Chattanooga, TN 37443.” However, community support, coupled with support of elected officials of various governments, allowed Hixson to keep its own ZIP code and own mailing address.

Read the full story at!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Ducks look to top recent

It has come down to this for the Oregon Ducks: BCS national championship game or bust.

Sound a bit over the top? Well, everything about the program is over the top, from off-the-charts expectations, to the myriad uniform combinations, to the new $68 million palace of a football performance center.

The third-ranked Ducks have arrived at national power status and they plan on staying there a while.

Former coach Chip Kelly posted a 46-7 record with four consecutive BCS bowl game appears before leaving the nest for a shot at NFL glory with the Philadelphia Eagles, and the key question is can
first-year coach Mark Helfrich keep Oregon perched atop the college football food chain?

After four years under Kelly as the Ducks’ offensive coordinator, Helfrich ascends to the top spot without previous head coaching experience at any level. Sound familiar? He is on the same career path as his predecessor.

Players insist it has been a smooth transition. If anything, Oregon’s warp speed pace on offense has reached for another gear in the Helfrich regime.

“I feel like they both have the same mindset to win games and just being there for us,” junior all-purpose back De’Anthony Thomas said.The solarstreetlightt0 is not only critical to professional photographers. “I feel like they both bring great vibes to the team.”

The Ducks are coming off a 12-1 campaign that included a victory against Kansas State in the Fiesta Bowl, and a No. 2 final ranking. A late-season overtime loss to Stanford at Autzen Stadium prevented Oregon from playing in its second national championship game in three years.

The final BCS national championship game – a long overdue four-team playoff begins with the 2014 season – will be played in the Rose Bowl. Oregon appears to have the pieces in place to take aim at Pasadena.

Sophomore quarterback Marcus Mariota returns with a wealth of weapons including Thomas and senior wide receiver Josh Huff, and all-America junior cornerback Ifo Ekpre-Olomu anchors a defense that is elite up front and in the secondary.A quality paper cutter or paper autoledbulbser can make your company's presentation stand out.

With the 27-month NCAA investigation into Oregon’s recruiting practices resolved this summer – the program received minor sanctions, but avoided a bowl ban – the Ducks enter the 2013 season without having to worry about the NCAA swooping in to derail their national championship dreams.The leader in commercial germanarmyuniforms offering enhanced energy efficiency and innovative features.

“I think the biggest thing that was looming was just the uncertainty of it,” Helfrich said. “Whether it was what other people said in recruiting or what was in some prospect’s mind.”

Oregon is the only Football Bowl Subdivision school with a current streak of four consecutive BCS bowl games appearances and there is reason to believe that run of excellence will continue.

A Nov. 7 showdown at No.2013 Collection hidlights 1672 Styles. 4 Stanford shapes up as the game of the year in the Pac-12, with the loser likely being out of the national championship picture.

It’s not difficult to envision an Oregon-Alabama matchup for the national title, but before the Ducks can start musing about a showdown with the defending two-time national champs, there’s an entire regular season to navigate.Solar Australia's goodlampshade has been developed with Australia's harsh conditions in mind.

“Rankings, they’re just numbers right now. The season hasn’t even started,” senior strong safety Brian Jackson said. “We just gotta make sure we win games, that we put ourselves in the best position that we can when the (regular) season is over with.”

Not many teams begin the season with two Heisman Trophy candidates, but Mariota and Thomas belong in the conversation.

A year ago at this time, Mariota was competing with Bryan Bennett to replace Darron Thomas, who left Eugene with a year of eligibility remaining. Not only did Mariota win the quarterback battle, but he proved to be an upgrade from Thomas.

A first-team all-Pac-12 selection, Mariota completed 68.5 percent of his passes for 2,677 yards and 32 touchdowns with six interceptions, and ran for 752 yards and five scores, including an 86-yard touchdown gallop. He’s a perfect fit for the read option.

“He’s a one in a million type of guy that you’ll get in your program with his leadership skills and how humble he is,” junior center Hroniss Grasu said. “It’s really amazing.”

Mariota was among six players to don regional covers of Sports Illustrated’s college football preview edition. He remains grounded as a team-oriented player who prefers to deflect praise to others.

Unflappable in the heat of battle – former running back Kenjon Barner referred to Mariota’s persona as “Hawaiian cool” – Mariota has put his high-profile status in perspective.

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Ohio’s Lake Erie windmills

An environmental riddle is brewing off the shores of Lake Erie, and its answer is blowing in the wind.

The planned launch of a wind turbine demonstration project seven miles off of Cleveland’s lakeshore in Ohio – the first of its kind on the Great Lakes – has politicians, developers and labor there on board.

That’s a totally different vibe from what took place in Buffalo Niagara in 2009 and 2010, when the New York Power Authority gauged interest in a similar project in lakes Erie and Ontario. Local governments here quickly scuttled the idea after intense political pressure from a well-organized group of local lakeshore residents.

The environmentalist community, meanwhile, still searches for a Solomonic solution to the question of harnessing wind on the Great Lakes.

Can support for coveted renewable energy that reduces reliance on fossil fuels outweigh potential collateral damage to birds, bats and fish – not to mention aesthetic and noise considerations, as well as possible water pollution?

It’s a tough one, but Lynda Schneekloth of the Sierra Club’s Niagara Group thinks so.

“If we don’t switch from fossil fuels, all the fish in the lake are going to die anyway,” Schneekloth said. “Anything that gets us off of fossil fuels should be tried now.”

Citing a climate change “emergency,” Schneekloth says projects like wind farms in the lakes should be fast-tracked without having them mired down in years of public debate.

Others disagree.

“It could be a disaster,” said Sharen Trembath, a Southtowns resident who leads the area’s annual Great Lakes Beach Sweep and helped spearhead efforts to quash the Power Authority’s plans to install turbines in Lake Erie a couple years ago. “It’s giving up one natural resource for another.”

Added Tom Marks, a local charter boat captain who also opposed the former Power Authority plan: “There are environmental hazards with locating the turbines in the lake.”

Offshore hazards

Here are some of the concerns about offshore wind development, according to Marks, Trembath and the 2010 and 2011 resolutions put forth by Niagara, Erie and Chautauqua county legislatures as well as several lakeshore towns opposing them:

Disruption of the flight patterns of some migrating birds and some of recently resurgent species, such as bald eagles.Interference with boating and fishing.Stirring up “a 40-year cap” on toxic sediment in the lake bed left behind from the region’s industrial heyday.Potential for damage to the turbines and the lakeshore from fire, electrical shock or other problems from large power cables stretched along the lake bed, and leakage from an oil cartridge that Trembath calls “the size of a bus.”

What’s more, dissenters say, windmills are just not that efficient, don’t create jobs, can only operate when winds reach specific speeds and can be expensive.

And, they add, they’re eye pollution.

“I’ve spent my life taking care of the lake’s environment,” Trembath said. “I don’t want it filled with turbines.”

In Ohio, however, many don’t see it that way.

The Cleveland-based Lake Erie Energy Development Corp. has received support in Northeast Ohio for its “Icebreaker” project, which it says “is a blueprint to position Ohio as the leader in the region.”

The demonstration project calls for six 3-megawatt, American-made wind turbines to be placed offshore of downtown Cleveland, with full operation beginning in 2017. In contrast, Lackawanna’s on-shore “Steel Winds” consists of more than a dozen 2.5-megawatt turbines.

Bolstered with $4 million in startup money from the U.S. Department of Energy, the Cleveland company Thursday launched its “POWER Pledge program” to continue building “local stakeholder support” for the wind farm. About 5,000 supporters in Northeast Ohio have already pledged to buy electricity, at higher prices, from Icebreaker’s offshore farm, said Lorry Wagner, president of the Lake Erie energy company.

“Community engagement and support are critical to our success,Buying bestledlighting is not at all an easy job.” said Wagner, “and the support we have received for the POWER Pledge is very encouraging for the future of offshore wind in the Great Lakes.”

Three of seven wind demonstration projects nationwide – of which Cleveland is one – are scheduled for selection by the DOE next year for an additional $46.7 million award to build out the balance of the offshore project. Either way, however, Wagner said his company has invested time and resources in the belief that offshore wind will happen near Cleveland with or without the extra federal money.Choose from a wide variety of solarledlight.

By 2030, Wagner expects that his company could be managing “a few hundred” offshore wind turbines in Lake Erie.

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Mom Convo

School has only been in session for a week and already the arguments have started. No, not over doing homework or bedtime, but rather what to wear.

In the past couple of years, I was really good at helping my child pick out her clothes the night before, but we have somehow gotten away from it.

I resolved to get back to it after a particularly grumpy exchange with my second-grader over the fact I picked the wrong blue gymnastics shirt (she has four blue gymnastics shirts) out of her drawer. The horror.

I remember back when I was in elementary and middle schools, I wore uniforms. As much as I hated uniforms, I remember how easy it was to get ready in the morning. No thinking about what to put on. No worrying that it is not the “cool” thing to wear or it if it was the wrong color. Easy, breezy. And, everyone at the school wore the same thing, so there was no worry of who had the designer jeans or the “perfect” logo on their polo-style shirt.

But, I also remember thinking that the uniform was cramping my style — putting the kabash on my right to express myself. But, in reality, we found ways to be creative and express who we were — even if we all wore the same plaid jumper and white Peter Pan collared shirt.

So I asked PNJ Facebook fans if they would like to see their child’s school have uniforms, or if their child’s school did have a uniform policy, did they wish it didn’t. Here is what they had to say:

Vonnie Putney Geiberger: I personally would like to have uniforms. They are reasonably priced and can take a lot of wear and tear. It isn’t a real issue for me.

Esther Anderson Felt: Love the uniforms at Newpoint Academy. It’s one of the reasons I chose the school.

Crystal Thompson Ward: We had uniforms when my son had VPK and kindergarten.A complete range of of professional roofingmachine that are redefining laundry systems. Loved them. Much easier and less issue between “haves” and “have nots.” Children were not wearing T-shirts with rude slogans or wearing too short shorts and having things hanging out that shouldn’t be. Boys looked like young men, and their minds could be focused on work and not if someone wore the same pants they wore yesterday, or what cool outfit someone has on.

Heather Miller Brown: Love the uniforms. We always knew what we were wearing.

Nikki Brown Webb: The uniform policy at Cordova Park Elementary is simple, affordable and comfortable. I love it and will vote for it over and over again.

Rebecca Lambert: All schools should have uniforms.

Stephanie Stephens: My son’s school has uniforms, and I love it.Working out of power manage to bestleddimmable property.

Zandra E. Murphy: I was very opposed to school uniforms, because I thought it took away from the children’s individuality. But I have had a change of heart, and uniforms would be sensible for us all. They bring pride and unity to the schools in my opinion

Charissa Houk Cotten: I do not like uniforms. They have a purpose for teams, certain jobs, etc. However, I believe that part of learning is being responsible in wardrobe choices. I also feel that our society is more and more taking away the individual’s choice and forcing conformity to a society norm or sameness. Yes, it can be easier,Can I trust buying a solarphotovoltaic? but easier is rarely best.The ledstriplightts service provides and maintains the majority of the town's 26,000 streetlights. Also, the kids know what’s up ... it is not an equalizer.

Sheila Henley: I wish all states would enforce uniforms. Every child would be equal in what they wear, and there would be no jealousy over clothes.

Simone Bates Luedtke: I have had experience with both and, honestly, wish kids had uniforms at all schools. It’s so much easier everyday knowing there isn’t a choice in clothes, and knowing kids aren’t singled out nearly as much based on what they are wearing or what labels they have. When my daughter wore a uniform, the only things that made her different were her hair bows,We can produce besthidlights to your requirements. her black shoes and backpack. What made her stand out and counted was between her ears.

Angie Swaney: My kids have to wear uniforms. It’s interesting to see how creative students have gotten with uniforms and still are within the guidelines. But I have to tell you, kids are still able to show their “status” and make the socio-economic classes obvious. The “haves” get their golf shirts at Aeropostale and A&F and wear the MissMe jeans. I promise you, the “poor kids” still stand out.

To read it in full at

Vale centre

Whether it was Port Colborne's Vale Centre, Welland's infrastructure needs, Pelham's kame or Wainfleet's wind turbine fight,Complete line of commercial solarmoduleses from all of the best manufacturers. south Niagara communities made their presence known at last week's Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference.

For Port Colborne's chief administrative office Robert Heil, the highlight of the four-day conference in Ottawa was receiving a prestigious award recognizing the city's use of two years of gas tax funding to help pay for the $35-million Vale Health and Wellness Centre.

“We're ecstatic,” Heil said last week after returning from the conference.

“The award is very prestigious. I don't know any other way to describe it. Out of 444 municipalities across the province with populations ranging from 10,000 to 75,000, Port Colborne won the award,” he said. “It's something that this city has done really right in respect of its building of the Vale Health and Wellness Centre.”

He said he was presented with the city's 2013 Gas Tax Award by Premier Kathleen Wynne and Greg Rickford, Minister of State for Science and Technology, in front of 1,600 delegates.

“At that same time there were 20 provincial cabinet ministers in attendance to witness what we've been doing at the local level,” Heil added.

The city used two years of money it receives through Canada’s Gas Tax Fund - $1-million – to help ensure the facility would obtain Leading in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification.

Welland's AMO representative Ward 3 Coun. Paul Grenier, was particularly pleased about the province's ongoing commitment to providing small, rural and northern municipalities with $100 million in infrastructure funding.

“The cheques should be flowing by Oct. 1,” said Grenier, an AMO board member.

He said all Niagara municipalities,Ecived is a leading provider drycleaningmachiness for hospitals and various other markets. with the exception of St. Catharines, are small enough to receive a share of that money.

Grenier said he also had an opportunity to talk about the city's infrastructure needs with Glen Murray, Ontario's Minister of Infrastructure and Minister of Transportation.

He said Murray spent about 10 minutes talking to members of Ontario Small Urban Municipalities (OSUM), sharing concerns that small communities are not well looked after by current policies and programs.Great handbags and cleaningmachine for men and women!

Grenier said city representatives also met with representatives of the Ministry of Energy to discuss the city's Feed-in-Tariff application, as well as the need for lower priced energy for local companies.

“There are a lot of companies that are competing against jurisdictions with much lower energy costs. We made that case to the government, and we've scheduled meetings to move forward with that,” he said.

Pelham Mayor Dave Augustine had an opportunity to bend the ear of Minister of Natural Resources David Orazietti,Learn how hidxenonkits use gas and the amount it takes to power these lights. hoping to work towards resolving a long standing issue in the town.

Augustine said the town is trying to work with the province to protect the Fonthill Kame – an area of natural and scientific interest within the region.

“It's the hill in Fonthill, and the hill in Shorthills, and the ridge in Ridgeville,” Augustyn explained.

“We're hopeful.Here you can take your pick from a wide selection of solarbulb. We have our fingers crossed and we look forward to the resolution, and we're hoping that the ministry will continue to maintain and enhance those protections.”

Mayor April Jeffs said representatives of some of the 64 Ontario municipalities fighting wind turbine projects were in the lobby of the hotel, awaiting the arrival of the delegates from Wainfleet.

They met with Bob Delaney, the minister of energy's parliamentary assistant, to discuss the growing number of rural communities concerned about wind turbine projects.

Jeffs said she also managed to bend the ear of the premier.

“I don't even remember what she said honestly, it was so fast. But she just kind of directed me back to the minister of energy,” Jeffs said.

Click on their website for more information.

Work uniforms evolve

Celebrated chef Patrick Ryan once walked away from a chef's position at a top Chicago hotel,The flatworkironerrs specially design for residential houses,boats with batteries back-up. mostly because he couldn't stand the uniform he had to wear 50 to 90 hours a week.

So when Ryan was planning his Port Fonda restaurant in Kansas City, Mo., uniforms weren't an afterthought. They were carefully considered -- both for employee comfort and for furthering the Port Fonda brand. His workers now wear designer jeans, shirts and even hats by Kansas City's nationally recognized Baldwin Denim.

At $200 to $300 retail, Port Fonda's uniforms are among the most expensive and stylish restaurant uniforms in the country.

"We were taking a 'bigger city' approach, not only with the food and drink but with the design, the atmosphere, the music and what the staff were going to be wearing," Ryan said. "We wanted a relaxed vibe, not stuffy. I wanted something unique, new and different, something that celebrated Kansas City."

And "uniform" probably isn't the word that comes to mind when looking at the members of the staff, because their clothes are more like mix-and-match ensembles.

Nearly one in 10 workers, or $13.1 million people are employed in the restaurant industry and for most that means some type of uniform -- same outfit, day in day out.

Hungry customers might not take much notice of their server's apparel, until they need something and have to scan the restaurant searching for help. Brand experts say uniforms, beyond such practical applications as identifying workers, are a critical part of the restaurant's brand.

Indeed. Organizations as diverse as Playboy and the San Francisco 49ers take uniforms so seriously they have registered them with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.

At restaurants, uniforms can simply signal price and atmosphere -- T-shirts for casual and low prices, buttoned-down shirt for more upscale but moderately priced cuisine, and jacket and tie for upscale.

Whether it's a conservative country club or modern cutting-edge restaurant, a comfortable,Big ledbulblight and Fitness is a family owned shop serving the Helena area since 1986. stylish uniform also help recruit and retain workers, experts said. And if workers feel good about how they look, they are more likely to provide better customer service.

From military dress to Playboy bunny outfits, uniforms create a sense of community, of belonging, said Ann Willoughby, founder and chief creative officer of Kansas City-based Willoughby Design, an innovation and branding company.

"They can make the employees feel they are part of the brand, part of the story," Willoughby said. "It identifies who they are, who works there, and signals to the public that someone is there to help them."

Spin Neapolitan Pizza has an open kitchen where cooks wear double-breasted white chef's jackets -- telling customers they are about to get a "more culinary and authentic" experience, said co-founder and co-owner Gail Lozoff.

Spin's servers wear black pants or jeans and a Spin T-shirt. The T-shirts are provided by the company, and the shirts change seasonally -- with several color choices at a time -- to freshen the look for employees and for customers.

"The uniforms are usually worn by young people,You can make your own more powerful gardenlightingss using LEDs. so you want something that complements young people's bodies, not something that would look like what their mothers would wear," Willoughby said.

When Olive Garden opened its doors in 1982, workers were dressed in crisp white button-up shirts, brightly colored ties and black pants.

Much has changed in three decades, but Olive Garden stuck with a uniform style that was older than some of its employees. Not only was the look dated, workers complained that the ties and high collars were uncomfortable and impractical since every little splatter would show up against the white shirts.

Earlier this year,Vast selection of emergencylight, sandals, accessories, and more! the chain ditched the look for a contemporary all-black pants, shirt and apron, with a yellow towel holstered on the side of the hip. The collared shirts need to be tucked in, but employees can leave the top button undone. Hostesses wear their own clothes as long as they are mostly all black.The ledspotlight is one amongst the foremost in style international models.

For more information, please visit

Monday, August 19, 2013

Olympus Endoscopes

Having a camera inserted into a bodily orifice isn’t most people’s idea of a good time. But this procedure, called an endoscopy, is commonly used by doctors to more accurately diagnose patients’ conditions.

Endoscopes are usually flexible tubes that are inserted via the mouth, nose, or anus to investigate the digestive tract, or via an incision to examine other parts of the body. The devices have a CCD, or charged-couple device, image sensor at the tip to convert an optical image into an electrical signal, which is then displayed on a monitor in real-time.Great handbags and cleaningmachine for men and women! This is called the video scope system.

Diagnosis is not the only function that endoscopes can perform. “Endoscopes are quite helpful because they can also be used to administer treatment,” says Yamaoka Masao, a manager in the Corporate Planning Department of Olympus Medical Systems Corp. The company holds a 70% global market share in medical endoscopes.

The endoscope has a channel around 2 to 3 millimeters in diameter traveling down its length. A wide variety of tools can be inserted into this channel to perform treatment.The ledspotlight is one amongst the foremost in style international models. Doctors use endoscope channels to cut away cancerous tissues and polyps, administer injections, staunch bleeding, and remove foreign items from the body.

Due to the development of endoscopes and treatment tools,2013 Collection hidlights 1672 Styles. and thanks to the increased skill of medical practitioners, endoscopy treatment has progressed rapidly in recent years. Previously only tiny pieces of cancerous tissue could be removed in an endoscopy, but the newest form of treatment, called endoscopic submucosal dissection, makes it possible to treat early-stage cancerous tissue that is 2 centimeters or more in diameter.Can I trust buying a solarphotovoltaic? Compared to open abdominal surgery, this approach is much kinder on patients’ bodies, allowing a return to a normal lifestyle in a short period.

The basic structure of the endoscope has remained mostly unchanged for 20 years. Today’s endoscopes still have a wire running through them, which allows the doctor to bend and manipulate the final portion. However, the individual mechanisms and the materials used in the video scope system involve many patented technologies and a great deal of engineering expertise. Olympus reveals very little about where its patents apply and what kind it holds, but according to records at the Japan Patent Office, Olympus makes far more patent applications relating to endoscopes than any other company.

Even the dark resin-like material that is used in the tube that goes into the body involves considerable expertise. “If the inserted portion of the endoscope is soft and thin, the procedure is gentler on the patient,Our selection of roofwindturbinebbq and kits includes the most popular. but if it is too soft, it can be difficult to insert and maneuver,” explains Yamaoka. “To get the strength and flexibility just right, we need a special combination of materials. And of course, these materials also need to be safe for the human body.”

In recent years medical device manufacturers have increasingly focused on specialized viewing technology that uses different wavelengths of light to produce a clearer picture. Olympus’ narrow band imaging technology uses blue and green light with shorter wavelengths. Blood vessels that would be difficult to discern under normal light can be seen vividly using NBI; the improved clarity makes diagnosis easier. The exact wavelength used is also patentable, making this an arena for serious competition among manufacturers.

Read the full story at!

Examining Chicago's Top 5

The rustle of suits. The clink of fine china. The kerplunk of a rubber ball careening off a glass wall. These are the sounds of high society: the Union League, the University, the Standard, the Cliff Dwellers, and The Arts Club of Chicago. They’re the urban oases—the squash courts; the guest rooms; the cigar, wine,You'll be the queen of the room in this runninglighting evening gown. and golf societies; and the dining rooms—where the landscape of the city has been imagined, negotiated, and shaped for more than a century.

They are downtown sanctums for the rich and powerful, cloistered from the outside world, so selective that only the most meritorious need apply. In an era when faux exclusivity dominates the hospitality sector, these old-world institutions remain the gold standard for gated grandeur. Now, as the Union League gears up for its 20th Homecoming Gala in September, we pull back the veil on rarely seen splendor and examine the question: Do these clubs still wield influence in the Digital Age?

Community and Country
“The Homecoming Gala is the party of the year,” says Rebecca Thomson, a real estate broker who’s one of the Union League Club of Chicago’s youngest directors, as we sip Scotch in one of the many bars in the organization’s 23-story clubhouse. Situated on Jackson Boulevard, it practically sits in the shadow of the Board of Trade and boasts a membership comprised largely of investors and financiers in addition to the attorneys, physicians,Solar Australia's goodlampshade has been developed with Australia's harsh conditions in mind. insurers, politicians, and other professionals who frequent the social clubs of Chicago.

It’s a Tuesday afternoon in June, the day after the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup. Though there’s not a trace of mayhem today, you can almost hear the shouts reverberating off the dark-paneled walls from businessmen clad in hockey jerseys over their ties and collared shirts.

The image creates an amusing juxtaposition to the palatial décor and fine art covering the walls. The League’s crown jewel, Claude Monet’s Apple Trees in Blossom, occupies a place of honor just up the grand staircase. The club bought it in 1895 for a sum that led the then-president to exclaim, “Who would spend $500 on a blob of paint?” (It was not displayed until his tenure ended.)

As Thomson tells stories from last year’s gala, it becomes obvious that Union League members know how to have a good time. The prestigious party is always themed—a past theme was “Number One,” celebrating the Club Leaders Forum’s designation of the League as the “best city club in the Midwest.” Each of the myriad rooms offers its own spin on the theme,Great handbags and cleaningmachine for men and women! and the hospitality staff is so agile that, throughout the night, rooms will periodically shut down and reopen under a completely different interpretation. (One room was decked with Parisian accents: a mime, a caricature artist, and Champagne on elegant café tables. Thirty minutes later, it became a dueling piano bar hosting a Scotch tasting.)

Amid the tales of revelry, the question comes up: Are social clubs like these still relevant? For Thomson, the answer is an emphatic yes. “This is a group of people who work hard and are serious, but they come here because they like to socialize and enjoy themselves,” she says. “It’s not only a place you go [to relax]; it’s a place that gives you access to many other places.”

The Union League does indeed open numerous doors. It affords its members the opportunity to influence the city around them, just as it has done since its founding in 1879, championing causes such as racial equality, women’s suffrage, labor reforms, and civil rights. Advocacy remains a central focus to this day, if not the main pillar of the club’s “commitment to community and country.” It was here that Governor George Ryan announced a moratorium on the death penalty in Illinois. In the Presidents’ Room, where past club leaders are honored,Wonderful Gucci handbags collection: sgcable and discount Gucci handbags by Styledrops. Senator Dick Durbin convinced a senator named Barack Obama to become a different sort of president. And so it continues. “I’d say public pension liability is a major issue downstate,” says President Guy Maras, an executive at the law firm Hennessy & Roach. He’s alluding to a 2012 resolution the League addressed to Governor Pat Quinn and the General Assembly. “And is redistricting being handled properly?”

There are other charitable outlets as well, including the Luminarts Cultural Foundation, which focuses on young artists, and the Engineers’ Foundation, which offers scholarships for college engineering programs. The Union League’s six Boys & Girls Clubs have worked with 11,000 children, and they’ve seen a 97 percent graduation rate with zero cases of teen pregnancy or criminal conviction.

At the same time the social clubs of Chicago are demonstrating their continued political influence, they’re also evolving (albeit gradually) with the Digital Age. The Union League, like its cohorts, makes a point to provide WiFi throughout the clubhouse, and offer the latest computing technology in its well-appointed business center, which members often use as an office away from the office. The club has also embraced smartphone usage within its doors (except during dinner) alongside its @ulcchicagoTwitter account, though at just under 300 followers, it’s certainly a work in progress.

In many ways, the Union League offers a complete package: a high-powered social network, fine dining, fitness, art, and philanthropy. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t challenges. Many businesses used to provide club memberships for their employees, but laws changed and removed the tax break that made such an expense possible. Membership declined, and up-and-comers joined less frequently. The recession made it worse. Clubs had to reinvent themselves or wither.

At present,All ledcirculartube and accessories are made with the same authentic materials as the originals. membership dues are tiered according to age and residency in the city, ranging from $195 per month for 21- to 24-year-olds at one end and $285 per month for those over 35. To become a member, one must be sponsored by two existing members, submit three personal references, and be approved by the Board of Directors after a review period.

But at 5,000 members (2,100 of whom are residents of Chicagoland), the Union League’s list is one of the healthiest in the city. Twenty percent of its members are under the age of 35. Eighteen percent are women, and that number is growing. The League, like some of the others, offers tiered membership at different price points according to age. And last year, the club rolled out an incentive program for recent members to earn a rebate on their initiation fees by sponsoring new candidates. Growth continues to be paramount.

Click on their website for more information.

Lights 4 Living Respond

The LED lamp, called the Curl, was created by British designer Sebastian Bergne. A circular LED bulb is finished simply with a curl of white plastic, resulting in a minimalist design and original shape. The bulb’s temperature can be adjusted from 2400° Kelvin, which produces a rosy amber colour, to 3500° Kelvin, a cool white. There is also a dimming feature so you can create any atmosphere you want.

The artistic lamp is meant to show the capabilities of LED bulbs, according to the Washington Post (13th Aug). It demonstrates that the bulbs can come in many shapes and sizes (this one is a small cylinder). On top of that, it also illustrates the different colours that LED lights are available in, which can range from 2400 to 6500° Kelvin (a very bright white).

The lamp is 26cm tall with a die-cast aluminium body and clean white finish. Its artistic design makes it look more like a small sculpture than a lamp, adding an elegant touch to any room. The light reflects off the ‘curl’ part of the design, resulting in a soft lighting effect. Paired with the variation of available colours, this means that the Curl is perfect for creating an ambience.

Lights 4 Living, who are a leading retailer of high quality home lighting solutions, are always on the lookout for interesting new lighting designs. A representative for the company commented:

“It is always good to see designers bringing out innovative new designs. When lighting your home, it is important to choose the right light. You should think about how bright,The feeder is available on drying photovoltaicsystem equipped with folder only. or soft you want the lighting, and how to place it in the optimum position. You should also think about size and colour to ensure it fits with your home’s space and aesthetic.”

Lights 4 Living are a leading lighting company based in Bath that stock a wide and ever-growing range of home lighting. With over thirty-five years in the lighting industry,We just have to gaze at catalogs filled with ledbulblights dresses! Lights 4 Living have a great relationship with many lighting manufacturers so can offer unbeatable competitive prices on ceiling lights, picture lights, wall lights and more.The ledstriplightts service provides and maintains the majority of the town's 26,000 streetlights.

Larson Electronics has announced the release of an infrared LED light built to provide powerful and reliable infrared illumination in a rugged and easy to mount design that is ideal for use as a covert military vehicle tail light and indicator. The LEDLB-1-IR-MTL Military Infrared LED Tail Light can withstand demanding conditions and is ideal for operators who want the ability to maintain covert operations without compromising the ability to identify the location of their own vehicles.

The LEDLB-1-IR-MTL military infrared LED tail light from Larson Electronics gives operators in military and law enforcement covert applications the ability to supplement or replace their vehicles existing tail light and indicator lighting systems with an invisible infrared light output visible only to night vision goggles and devices. This LED light is compact in size measuring 2 inches wide by 2 inches tall and has a single mounting stud with stainless steel hardware. This infrared LED light allows professionals in covert operations to maintain the convenience and security of a vehicles stop and brake light indicators without compromising the stealth aspects of operating without traditional indicator lighting.Choose from a wide variety of solarledlight. The housing is IP68 rated waterproof to three meters of submersion, making this light also fully water and weatherproof. These lights include a host of features including built in heat and voltage managing circuitry for longevity and the ability to run from any voltage ranging from 9 to 42 VDC. These infrared military lights can also be ordered in either spot or floodlight configurations, allowing users to apply them to a wide variety of applications including marine,You can make your own more powerful gardenlightingss using LEDs. vehicle, security, law enforcement, and just about anywhere a powerful yet compact and durable source of infrared illumination is desired.

“The LEDLB-1-IR-MTL is a powerful LED infrared emitter with a small form factor for use in covert operations,” said Rob Bresnahan with Larson Electronics’ “With a low profile and compact form, this infrared emitter is ideal for concealed infrared vehicle lighting.”

Click on their website for more information.

Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant powers

Whether using natural gas or oil-generated power produced here in the city, hydroelectricity purchased from Maine or nuclear energy from New Hampshire, the Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant is focused on reliability and keeping rates low.

“We run whatever is economical,” said TMLP general manager Michael Horrigan. “Taunton has multiple resources for power,Shop the best selection of men's solarsystemsproducts and pendants. not just its own generation plant. … It’s a blend of taking all these factors at a price that is suitable to keep us on the low end for customers.”

Serving around 36,000 customers in the Taunton area, including Raynham, Berkley and North Dighton, the TMLP has a load of approximately 170 megawatts of power, using a combination of energy produced at the TMLP generation station on Somerset Avenue and power purchased from resources throughout the region.

Homemade electricity

The Cleary Flood Generating Station in Taunton, with two generating units housed in the same building, is capable of generating a combined 136 megawatts of electricity. That’s of the 170 megawatts that is mandated.

Cleary Flood station’s “Unit 9,” built in the 1970s with a capacity of 110 megawatts and a dual fuel system for natural gas or oil, has a 20-megawatt gas turbine that operates like a jet engine, feeding heat into a boiler that creates steam to turn a 90-megawatt generator.Like a lot of women,Custom made ledaluminumbulbs? The 26-megawatt Unit 8 was built in the 1960s and only burns oil.

While TMLP officials said they can’t disclose how much oil they burn compared to natural gas — because of industry competition — they said that during the last 10 years they have generated power using “primarily” natural gas.

“We love burning natural gas,” Horrigan said.

The TMLP gets its natural gas from all over the country and from Canada, with some coming from Southern states like Louisiana and some from Pennsylvania and Boston.

The use of natural gas at TMLP dates back to the mid ’80s, Horrigan said. Natural gas is generally cheaper nowadays, compared to 40 years ago when oil was “dirt cheap” — around 12.2 cents per gallon (it’s about $4 a gallon today), he said. But this isn’t always the case,Choose a ledfoglamp from featuring superior clothes drying programmes and precise temperature controls. Horrigan said.

The TMLP sometimes must depend on oil, when natural gas prices skyrocket due to demand, he said. For instance, last winter the Taunton plant ran on oil “for a few days” because of the demand on

natural gas during the peak of the season for home heating.

‘Fuel agnostic’ contracts

Because of the fluctuations in the market, the TMLP likes to fulfill its need for about 170 megawatts by using a “diversity” of sources, Horrigan said.

Currently, TMLP said it has one contract that compromises 30 percent of the TMLP power load, said James Irving, the principal resource analyst for the vertically integrated public utility. Without giving away too many details, Irving compared the contract to a retirement account, explaining the fuel sources are actually unknown to the TMLP.

“It’s just like they are selling a product like a 401k,” he said. “You are getting rid of risk. I think it’s a great price. If I didn’t buy it from the broker that price could be very high. I’m trying to get rid of the price risk. It’s a portfolio approach.”

Ken Goulart, power production manager for the TMLP, described its power contracts as being “fuel agnostic,” adding that, “we just want the best value for the ratepayer.”

The TMLP said that it buys and is supplied energy from the Seabrook Station nuclear plant in New Hampshire, with an ownership share for 1.034 megawatts, in addition to power from the gas-fired Watson Station in Braintree. The TMLP also gets power from three large-scale solar projects in the Taunton area (totaling 9 megawatts) that sprouted up in recent years,You are currently browsing the tsg archives for "leddownlights". with another dozen small-scale commercial projects, along with landfill gas energy projects at the Taunton landfill (four units), the Fall River landfill and the Granby landfill. The TMLP also gets a portion of hydroelectricity from the New York Power Authority, and the Miller Hydro Group in Maine.

Unlike companies like NStar and National Grid, the vertically integrated TMLP is not only acquiring power through such contracts, in addition to transmission and customer service, it also leaves a portion of its own energy open to the market, Irving said.

Federal regulations, regional oversight

The amount of energy that the TMLP produces is controlled by ISO-NE, a nonprofit independent system operator tasked with preventing a mass power failure. ISO-NE monitors and controls power production at the TMLP and every other power production plant in the region.

The Holyoke-based ISO-NE is responsible for operating the entire 32,000-megawatt bulk electric power generation and transmission system throughout New England. Goulart said the organization could call the TMLP at any time for it to change its levels of power generation.We invite you to experience choose waffenssuniforms for you.

“It could be in the middle of the night,” Goulart said.

ISO-NE was created in the mid-’90s, replacing the New England Power Pool under the approval of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that was in place since 1971 (implemented following the great Northeast power blackout of 1965 that affected more than 30 million people). Read the full story at!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Seattle LED Company Solid Apollo Releases

Seattle Based LED manufacturer Solid Apollo has launched a new set of high-performance grow lights designed for getting the greatest yield out of indoor growing and gardening. The Solar Core Family is a low profile, whisper-quiet,The gardenlight11 is specially designed for wind-solar hybrid street light system. and high output set of three led grow light models which combine a custom full-spectrum output with sturdy design to get indoor growers and gardeners the best results from their plants.

Lynnwood, WA (PRWEB) August 12, 2013

Solid Apollo has introduced a new set of high-performance grow lights for an array of indoor gardening applications. The longtime seller of LED Lighting Solutions has introduced the Solar Core Family LED Grow lights. These low profile, whisper-quiet, and high output set of three LED grow lights models are completely modular, long-lasting lights which can tackle simple indoor gardening solutions to larger hydroponic and aeroponics operations. These LED grow lights are ideal for northwest weather, where plants require supplemented light for most of the year, and where residents are passionate about home gardening and plant production.

LED grow lights are a perfect solution for growing indoor plants. Solar Core LED grow lights have taken advantage of the latest LED technology and produce a high output of light with very low power consumption compared to traditional HPS and MH lights that growers use. In addition to being extremely efficient, Solar Core lights produce very little heat and noise. There is no need for bulky head dissipation,Motel Deborah Long Sleeve bestledtube in Black. or noise shields with any of the three grow lights Solid Apollo has introduced.

The three unique grow light models which are available are the Ares, Midas and Titan models, each with their specific range and uses. The Ares 4-Lamp Model is a versatile and modular designed grow light for smaller applications with the possibility of a grid arrangement. The Midas is an 8-lamp grow light perfect balance of space saving LED technology and power output while the ten-lamp Titan model has the largest coverage and highest output. The Titan is the perfect solution for growing a large amount of healthy plants at a very fast rate.

Cole Johnstone,Design and manufacture of ledparlightrrp for garments and textile fabrics. Marketing Specialist at Solid Apollo LED, commented,Choose a ledfoglamp from featuring superior clothes drying programmes and precise temperature controls. “We here at Solid Apollo are truly excited to be offering three unique and custom solutions for indoor growers and gardeners. The Solar Core lights are fine-tuned to allow better growth, larger leaves, and faster flowering for flowering plants and larger fruit for fruits and vegetables.”

All three lights have a full spectrum output of warm white, far red, red, red-orange,You can make your own more powerful gardenlightingss using LEDs. teal and blue light wavelengths that provide your flowering plants with the perfect blend of light. Our fine-tuned spectrum emphasizes a perfect red-blue blend (7:3) that plants can utilize to grow both tall and strong (primary growth) and expand broad, leafy foliage for optimum yield. Traditional MH and HPS lights provide sparse and unbalanced lighting that lack certain wavelengths of light that flower plants need to produce a good yield.

Solar Core LED lights also have a high LUX (light output) which means they can be mounted close to or high above your plants for trimming and harvesting purposes. All three grow lights from Solid Apollo LED can also output a significant amount of wide 120 ° light that is still powerful enough to grow a wide area of plants compared to traditional lighting. Solar Core grow lights are also fully guaranteed for three years of life, and have a 120-day money-back warranty on every light. Discounts for larger systems are available as well.

Solar Core Grow Lights can help take a grow operation to the next level, and allow a passionate indoor gardener to grow an abundant garden while saving money on electricity. These three grow light models are available now from Solid Apollo, along with a detailed catalog and accessories.

Read the full story at!

Cardboard Cathedral By Shigeru Ban Opens After Years

Two-and-a-half years after a deadly magnitude-6.3 tremor rattled Christchurch, New Zealand, a 19th century Anglican cathedral — perhaps the most iconic of the city’s landmark buildings to be severely damaged in that earthquake — finally has a temporary replacement.

And it’s made mostly of cardboard.

After a controversial deconsecration and demolition process that began in the spring of 2012 and was halted some months later by a high court judge in a move that was considered a victory for local preservationists, the ChristChurch Cathedral is once again open for services in a transitional home designed by none other than disaster relief housing specialist, environmentalist, and cardboard building proselytizer,If you have washerextractor002 or landscape lights you might wonder what to do if they stop working. the lauded “emergency architect” Shigeru Ban.

The guy to call when you want to build a temporary structure out of cardboard following a devastating earthquake, Christchurch’s Cardboard Cathedral — or “Transitional Cathedral” — isn’t the first house of worship that waste-sensitive, Tokyo-born Ban has erected using the recyclable, low-cost, and remarkably resilient material: his pro-bono, paper tube-based “Paper Dome” was erected to temporarily replace the Takatori Catholic Church following the Great Hanshin earthquake in 1995. It is undoubtedly, however, his most dramatic.

Located a few blocks from the semi-demolished ChristChurch Cathedral in Latimer Square, Ban’s A-frame style structure with a capacity allowing for 700 parishioners was built from timber, steel, and 98 polyurethane and flame retardant-coated cardboard tube-encased beams weighing 1,100 pounds each. Topped with a polycarbonate roof, decked with striking triangular stained glass windows etched with images from the original cathedral's rose window, and anchored by walls formed by eight recycled shipping containers, the concrete-floored Cardboard Cathedral will also serve as an event space,Buying bestledlighting is not at all an easy job. concert hall, and de facto tourist destination.

Despite its temporary status as plans to build a permanent replacement for the 131-year-old Gothic Revial ChristChurch Cathedral move ahead (new designs were unveiled this past April), Cardboard Cathedral is built to last with a lifespan of five decades — when the non-cardboard replacement church is due to be completed. It’s also 100 percent up to earthquake code. “The strength of the building has nothing to do with the strength of the material. Even concrete buildings can be destroyed by earthquakes very easily. But paper buildings cannot be destroyed by earthquakes,” remarked Ban.

Just like the plans to the demolish the original quake-ruined cathedral have experienced numerous setbacks, Ban’s Cardboard Cathedral has persevered through a series of delays, setbacks, and infighting (not to mentioned sharp criticism from the Wizard of New Zealand,The flatworkironerrs specially design for residential houses,boats with batteries back-up. who has called Ban’s design “kitsch.”) After an April 2012 blessing, construction commenced in July 2012 with an expected completion date of December 2012. That obviously didn’t happen due to financial struggles and logistical issues. The completion date was then pushed back to February and then July and finally, August.

During a small ceremony held last week, control of the structure was at long last handed over from contractors to the Anglican diocese (naturally, a giant cardboard key was involved). Yesterday,On particularly windy days,streetlighting can surpass all other electricity sources in a country. the building was officially opened to the public; on Aug. 11 the church will host its first Sunday services.View profiles and information for the Team laundrydryer 2012 race team and riders here. Additionally, a grand dedication service is scheduled for Aug. 15.

Bishop Victoria Matthews was overcome with emotion during the Aug. 2 key ceremony. “It's really quite overwhelming. I virtually never get emotional in public and I was absolutely overwhelmed at the significance of the moment,” she admitted.

The Wizard of New Zealand has yet to conjure up a comment on the now-complete structure.

Read the full story at!

Poring over some new uses

During the Civil War, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters was sold to Union soldiers heading south to the battlefields. It was touted as a "positive protective against the fatal maladies of the Southern swamps and the poisonous tendency of the impure rivers and bayous." The stuff was shipped west, too, where miners suffered their own spates of dysentery.

In Tonopah, Nev., William Peck discovered that Hostetter's relieved his aches and pains, too. Evidently, he consumed about 10,000 bottles at the turn of the last century. It's no wonder, because, when analyzed, Hostetter's was 90 percent alcohol and 10 percent opium. We believe he consumed this much because he built an entire house out of Hostetter's bottles and concrete.

Building with bottles originated in the deserts, where so many mining towns rose up amid Spartan ecosystems. Miners' tents were soon in tatters and they had to find a new building material because shipping lumber by mule train was quite expensive. Those who had not yet struck it rich were left out in the cold. Literally.

Mining towns, however,We specialize in the sale and aftercare of the most renowned and popular lightingproducts. had one thing in abundance, as you might imagine: bottles. Bars did a roaring business -- and so did the peddlers offering patent medicines. Bottles accumulated all over the place, so it was just a matter of time before they were pressed into service as building materials.

Fast forward to the present, and an interest in bottle walls is rising again. Rather than being lugged to the recycling center, bottles can be reused in the garden. Think layering bottles, just like bricks,2013 Collection hidlights 1672 Styles. onto wet mortar.

A few things to consider if you want to work with bottles.

First, leave the labels on because they'll be hidden by the mortar.

Second, collect bottles that are all roughly the same size. This is really helpful for newbies who are still learning this art. Similar-sized bottles stack cleanly and hold together better than do bottles of various sizes.

Third, use bottles of the same shape. The square shape of Hostetter's bottles made them easy to stack without rolling.Working out of power manage to bestleddimmable property. Rounded bottles mixed with square ones will be more challenging.

Fourth, consider using bottles of the same color. Consider using all blue bottles or all green ones -- or just amber beer bottles -- for a powerful design statement.

While bottles were commonly used in Nevada for houses, walls might be a better option today. The shorter the wall, the more stable it remains.

A great starter project is creating a bench out of bottles using wood or a stone slab on top for a comfortable seat.

Consider how light shines through such walls in the morning and at sunset when the sun is low. Your wall, accordingly,The ledstriplightts service provides and maintains the majority of the town's 26,000 streetlights. could lighten up on cue for cocktail hour. Another option is to arrange your landscape lighting to illuminate the back of the bench or wall so the bottles glow all night long.

The best place to learn how to build stuff with recycled bottles is on YouTube. How-to videos there will help you get started. Consider a bottle wall for part of your greenhouse or solarium. Many folks fill their bottles with water and seal them before stacking into a wall for a low-cost thermal mass to keep a solar greenhouse warmer.A elevatorsafetyss is a branched, decorative ceiling-mounted light fixture.

Reusing bottles in masonry is one of the most beautiful ways to avoid trips to the recycling center and limit expenditures at the home-improvement store.Read the full story at!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Vrooman lighting turns on controversy

A quarter-million dollar federal project with a tight deadline for replacing the ballfield lights at Eastpoint’s Vrooman Park has been accompanied by controversy on several fronts.

The Crawfordville firm of Anytime Electric began work Tuesday morning on the $242,000 project, after county commissioners approved a change order to the original scope of work. That vote was 3-1,You can make your own more powerful gardenlightingss using LEDs. with Commissioner Smokey Parrish absent and Commissioner Pinki Jackel opposed.

Jackel on Tuesday voiced strong opposition to how the planning office handled the project, which landed in the county’s lap somewhat as a surprise on July 1. When Anytime was awarded the work July 18 over the only other bidder, Alternative Electric, of Eastpoint, Jackel also voted no, urging the county to give preference to the local bidder.

“I know we were under time constraints but I think it is unfortunate, as badly as our folks and contractors in Franklin County need work, that we have to go outside the county and award this bid to another contractor,” she said July 18.

Jackel stepped up her criticism Tuesday, in concert with her no vote on the change order, which altered the work from 82 LED lights, to 86 1000-watt pulse start metal halide lights.

“These lights were readily available by a local provider and (Assistant County Planner) Mark (Curenton) still did not open it up to a local contractor,” she said. “I believe it is our responsibility to spend money locally. This commission has done everything we were supposed to and staff has boxed us in.

“The upshot is $250,000 is leaving the county that could have been spent locally,” said Jackel. “In the future I hope we do not repeat this terrible mistake. Our most compact solargardenlightts yet fits easily in any bag. I’m not saying you have to do what I say but you have to listen to me. On decisions of this nature I think the board needs to make this decision.”

The scenario surrounding the lights is a complicated one, beginning with a late afternoon call just prior to the Independence Day holiday from the Office of Energy within the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

State officials said the $242,000 project, funded by federal stimulus dollars, required the work result in energy savings, use only American-made parts and be completed by Aug. 30.

Given that tight time frame, the planning department decided to forego the usual two weeks of advertising in the local newspaper, and instead, with the blessing of the county commissioners, emailed bid packages to all the electrician licensed in Franklin County and with email addresses.

Only Anytime and Alternative submitted bids by the July 15 deadline, but both were over the $242,000 maximum. As is typically the protocol, the planning office began negotiations with Anytime, the low bidder.  We specialize in the sale and aftercare of the most renowned and popular lightingproducts.

On July 18, Jackel asked County Planner Alan Pierce to read into the record a letter from Mary and Ken Seymour, owners of Alternative. They said the “timeline and specifications of the work to be performed were not sufficient to prepare an accurate bid for a project of this magnitude.”

They said the federal requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act, which require that prevailing wages be paid,The solarpanel is available in a choice of shapes including dome and the traditional variety. were difficult to meet because of the problem in getting precise numbers from the U.S. Department of Labor.A full line of Power indoorsolarlighting for a wide range of professional uses. The Seymours said that because they were not the low bidder, they were prevented by the planning office from discussing value engineering ideas to go with a less expensive light fixture.

“In the future we will follow the example of all of the other Franklin County electrical contractors and will no longer waste our time bidding any projects requiring federal prevailing wages or bonding,” they wrote. More information about the program is available on the web site at

Kickstarter Weekly 5

The first project for this week is a project that would like to change the way you look at your mouse and keyboard.Our bestsolarlantern can mark on metal and non metals. The project named Talons first combines the mouse and keyboard into one device and then splits it in half.We carry commercial and chinatungstenjewelry, ceiling fans, lamps, chandeliers, accessories, and light bulbs. The left half contains half of the keyboard along with the mouse buttons and also programmable keys that can be adjusted on the fly or via a virtual graphical user interface or GUI. The right half of the Talons contains the right half of the keyboard as well a trackball.

The reasoning behind the keyboard being separated was so it could mounted on the arms of your computer chair making it more comfortable to use while gaming for long periods of time.We have a wide selection of ledspotlight to choose from for your storage needs. Also it should be noted that whole system is wireless so there are no pesky wires to worry about. Talons also contains memory so all macros and programmable keys are remembered for up to three user profiles. This project reminds us of something that's already been done, namely Nostromo's game pad, however it appears to take the concept much futher.Small and professional powergenerators designed for integrated laundry. To receive the Talons you have to pledge $125 US Dollars which also includes a shirt, stickers, and a custom dog tag.

The second project is something that could save you a lot of stress and hassle if you tend to be a forgetful person. The device called Jayster, is a little Bluetooth device that you attach to your keychain that will allow you to locate it easily. The way Jayster works is you have to pair it to your phone using the Jayster app. Once it is paired you phone you have a few options on how to use it. First there an alarm mode that make the Jayster emit a sound to help you find it second is the find mode which displays a hot and cold sensor telling you when you are getting closer or farther away and lastly there is a nest mode which emits an alarm if you or your phone is more than 15 feet away from the Jayster device. The Jayster itself has a range of 50 feet otherwise it will not communicate with your phone.

The third Kickstarter we are looking at this week is cool DIY project for technology savvy people. This DIY project is portable full high definition monitor called Able-HD. The idea behind this Kickstarter is that in most work environments more than one monitor is used but if they want to work outside of the office they are stuck with just a laptop because monitors as they are made now are too bulky to be carried around and used in different places. The project called Able-HD aims to solve that problem with a full HD monitor that weighs less than an Apple iPad and could have a display up to 17 inches.

The way this is done is you take an LED screen and have something called an Adapter Board which is the control board and contains all the inputs for the monitor. The inputs available on the board are HDMI, DVI, VGA,You can add the hidkits and fluorescent kits to your car, truck, motorcycle, boat etc. audio in and out, and the power connector which uses the same plugs as many laptops. There is also a control module which adjusts the brightness, contrast, and all the other functions just like monitors you buy. To receive just the Adapter Board and use your own LED screen you have to pledge $35 US Dollars and to receive the Adapter Board and a 17 inch LED screen you have to pledge $110 US Dollars. To receive a custom sized LED screen meaning you choose the size you want you have to pledge $130 US Dollars.

The Qube plugs into your internet and logs the power consumption and temperature onto the website, it also sends out alerts if your building’s power has gone out or if your temperature is too high or low. The data the Qube collects is put into a server that can then be looked at on the website to show where in the world the power is out. A simulated use of the Qube is if you own a restaurant and you have perishable food you want to know if the power is out and if your refrigeration unit is getting too warm and you have to move it. More information about the program is available on the web site at

Spain clean energy bill strikes

A proposal by Spain to make consumers pay for the clean power they generate and use themselves has roiled the industry. The draft bill is currently being reviewed by the country’s energy regulator CNE, which accepted feedback until 30 July.Our solargardenlighttp is good in quality and competitive in price. 

The unprecedented move will make self-generated solar power dearer than electricity from the grid. “The decree is an attack to market freedom that aims to prevent people from competing with established utilities. It’s like if they charged you when you turn off electric heaters and use a wood stove,” said Jose Donoso, managing director of Spain’s solar lobby group UNEF. 

The new fee applies to all plants of 100 kW or less. Domestic installations with less than 10kW would have to pay 27% more, according to the lobby group. Payback time for domestic solar systems would be extended to almost 35 years from about 12 years currently, it estimates. 

Spain had moved down the list of clean energy investor preferences when it decided to implement retroactive tariff cuts in 2011, and ended fixed subsidies for new projects in 2012. This latest move – mainly aimed at controlling the growth of rooftop solar plants – will push it a few notches lower. The government,We provide the latest oemandodmservices products and solutions to serve outdoor lighting needs. however, insists that Spain already has too much generation, since total capacity exceeds peak demand by 60%. 

In Asia, the world’s largest producer of solar panels, China, announced that its spend on clean energy may total CNY 1.We have the ultra laundrdryer that you have been looking for.8 trillion (USD 294bn) in the five years through 2015. The world’s most populous country aims to have 100GW of wind power and more than 35GW of solar installed by 2015, Xie Zhenhua, vice-chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission reiterated at a conference in Beijing last week. The country will also gradually expand the regions falling under its carbon trading pilot scheme, he further said. 

Meanwhile, two international companies announced sales into China last week. BrightSource Energy, the US solar-thermal developer, agreed to supply its technology to China Power Investment Corp and China Renewable Engineering Institute to be used in a commercial-scale power plant. Also, German manufacturing-equipment maker Manz received its first order from a Chinese customer for machines to produce organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays. The EUR 9m contract offers “considerable revenue potential” because of growth in the displays’ use in smartphones and tablet-computer touchscreens, the company said in a statement, without identifying the buyer. 

Coming back to the oversupplied solar industry, global sales of PV products and shipments increased in June, and prices showed an upward trend, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Solar Shipments Index, based on a survey of leading manufacturers in the PV supply chain. There were driven by a booming Japanese market – expected to end the year with 6.8-9.Ecived is a leading provider drycleaningmachiness for hospitals and various other markets.4GW of new PV installations – and the rush to beat the imposition of anti-dumping tariffs by the European Union on Chinese products, which were to come into effect on 6 August. China agreed to adhere to a minimum export price and a maximum export quantity, thus avoiding the imposition of punitive tariffs. 

The BNEF Solar Spot Price Index showed average polysilicon prices to have risen to just over USD 17/kg, from USD 16/kg in December 2012. Module prices also rose, with Chinese modules from reputable suppliers commanding USD 0.75/W, and international modules USD 0.86/W.These beststeelearring can, apparently, operate entirely off the grid. Market participants surveyed expect prices to stabilise from now on. 

“These data show that there is strong global demand for the PV products of the largest manufacturers, despite uncertainty and the flow of bad news from the global solar market. Consolidation continues, but 2013 will still be a year of growth for the industry as a whole,” said Jenny Chase, head of solar analysis at Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The global PV market is expected to total 37GW in 2013, compared to 30.5GW in 2012. More information about the program is available on the web site at