Thursday, September 17, 2015

A transparent box gift for Kids

If you are planning to give your children a surprise, online buy ladybugs to kids as pets. The kids will surely enjoy this gift and it will not just make the kid entertain but it can also be a great educational toy for him/her. The ladybugs kit is available online and you can place the kit inside a Transparent PVC Box and then design the box with the design of your choice.
Transparent boxes are so flexible and they are also suitable for any type of occasion because they are not just cheap, they are also durable and easy to embellish with different colorful materials that will add drama to the gift that you want to give away. When you give away this type of gift to a child, you are actually teaching him/her to become responsible. Because aside from watching the ladybug grow and transform from a larvae to a grown up bug, the child must be able to take care of the ladybug first and nourish it to complete its life cycle.
What things ladybugs eat should be on top of the priorities of the child. He/she has to make sure that the ladybugs were able to eat and within 3 weeks' time the larvae will turn out to be ladybugs. There is a certificate included in the package for larvae shipping. The online shop doesn't carry larvae, so you need to use the certificate to get the larvae from the supplier. The complete kit is composed of 10 ladybug larvae; pipette to water the ladybugs, food for the larvae and instructions of what things ladybugs eat and how to take care of them accordingly.
This kit is best for kids ages 4 and up. You have to be aware that the ladybug larvae will only be available for purchase from March to December but that is if the weather permits. The live arrival of the ladybugs will be guaranteed if the weather is just above 85 degrees in your place. You have to also consider the weather when you order the live ladybugs to make sure that they will arrive at your place alive and healthy. The ladybugs will keep kids company during their free time and they can learn so much from it as well.
This method is environmentally friendly, but also can increase a child's love.
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